9170官方金沙入口“与大师面对面” 名师讲坛报告会议程


Sir Philip Campbell will illustrate the Sustainable Development Goals. He will highlight some of the content we publish that is relevant to them. He will describe how we editors and publishers in Springer Nature are strengthening our content and our diverse types of content in journals, books, magazines and multimedia, in order to make greater contributions in support of these societal goals. 菲利普·坎贝尔爵士将阐述联合国可持续发展目标。他将重点介绍Springer Nature出版的与此相关的内容。他将讲述Springer Nature的编辑和出版人如何通过期刊、书籍、杂志和多媒体,加强我们的内容和内容形式的多样性,以为支持这些社会目标做出更大的贡献。